Thursday, November 17, 2016

How to get rid of back blackheads?

Black spots on spin are similar on face blackheads. It is much more difficult to get rid only of them. They appear because of violation of work of sebaceous glands. And nevertheless specialists have some councils for those who want to make skin of back equal and smooth.

Hulls and rash on spin can appear both at men, and at women. However this problem is more often she is familiar to guys. The exact reasons of emergence of such rash so far are up to the end not studied, but it is already known that in their education sebaceous glands play part. These glands located on spin are the largest on body. They make the maximum number of hypodermic fat, it is much more, than similar glands on face. When too much fat is produced, it blocks time, they are hammered and the inflammation begins. Such time becomes habitat of bacteria.

As skin on spin is much thicker and fatter, than on face, it is more difficult to get rid of eels. Everything depends on that, how started is considered the case. Simple tasks can be solved in house conditions, but if there are abscesses and serious inflammation, consultation of the dermatologist will be required.
If you want to prevent appearance of acne on back, to get rid of those which already are find for this question some time. There are several obligatory steps in this process.

⚪ Regularly wash back to delete fat from skin. For disposal of the subcutaneous fat which is in time you will need special antibacterial tonic which someone has to smear to you on back by means of wadded disk.

⚪ you Apply means against eels on back. It can be special cream or lotion.

⚪ Make the plan of healthy food.

⚪ In the started cases see behind consultation doctors, they will pick up suitable preparations.

⚪ you Wear cotton clothes or things from natural fabrics which do not give to skin  will be a lot of moisture. Cotton allows skin to breathe and absorbs moisture that improves condition of skin.

Stay on the sun and suntan are contraindicated to people who have acne rash on spin. If you go to the beach, surely use sunblock cream. By the way, the salt water is capable to relieve of black points on spin. So swimming and sea bathtubs can help to get rid of misfortune.

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