Saturday, February 4, 2017


The Japanese have an ancient ceremony of admiring flavors - "Kodo". Participants take turns inhale the aroma of incense on the coals heated in a porcelain dish, and exchange poetic verses or compete in the art of calligraphy ...
This 400-year-old tradition goes back to the court refined amusements of the Heian period (9-12 cc.)
Our ancestors have long noticed that inhaling incense - natural essential oils - has on the human body expressed regulating physiological and psychological impact: at all times scents helped to cope with irritation, fatigue, negative emotions. Aligns the psycho-emotional state with essential oils for relaxation.
Modern scientists have confirmed the fact that odors affect human behavior. Nerve cells with specific emotional arousal secrete substances regulators (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and others.) That affect the chemical composition of blood and the state of various organs. Thus, emotions can change the functioning of the nervous system and the state of the whole organism.